Reaching your potential today for success tomorrow

Amy Fujino

Founder & Therapist, In Touch Counseling Center, LLC

I have the pleasure of providing individual, family, couples and group therapy services to individuals aged 6 to 60 who are struggling with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, grief & loss, adjustment to change, ineffective communication, ineffective parenting skills, ineffective coping strategies and eating disorders.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is designed to help those with depression, anxiety, grief & loss, low self-esteem, BPD, & life stress.

Family & Couples Therapy

This therapy assists in communication difficulties, interpersonal difficulties, adjustment disorders, & parenting difficulties.

Group Therapy

This therapy will address low self-esteem, life stress, difficulty with self-love, & difficulty coping.

Contact Me

If you’re struggling with your mental health, I can help.